Clean-Boardz - Quick Style Guide Thanks for installing the Clean-Boardz style, This guide should help get you started with any customisations you may wish to make to the style. How To Change The Styles Main Blue Colour: 1) Using a text editor open the colours.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/colours.css) 2) The blue colour hex code is: #307AC3, find and replace all the #307AC3 with the colour code you wish to use. 3) Upload the updated colours.css file. 4) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Hide The Logo Completely: 1) Using a text editor open the common.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/common.css) 2) Find: .site_logo { (line 172) 3) Change display from inline-block to none. 4) Upload the updated common.css file. 5) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Change The Logo: 1) Upload your logo to the style image folder. (Clean-Boardz/theme/images) 2) Using a text editor open the colours.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/colours.css) 3) Find: .site_logo { (line 294) 4) Change the background-image URL to your logo URL. (example: "images/site_logo.png" to images/your_logo.png") 5) Change the 350px width and 52px height to the size of your logo. 6) Upload the updated colours.css file. 7) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Hide The Logo On Small Screens: 1) Using a text editor open the responsive.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/responsive.css) 2) Find: .logo { (line 200) 3) Change display from inline-block to none. 4) Upload the updated responsive.css file. 5) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Change The Small Screen Logo: 1) Upload your logo to the style image folder. (Clean-Boardz/theme/images) 2) Using a text editor open the responsive.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/responsive.css) 3) Find: .site_logo { (line 208) 4) Change the background-image URL to your logo URL. (example: "images/site_logo_mobile.png" to images/your_mobile_logo.png") 5) Change the 250px width and 37px height to the size of your logo. 6) Upload the updated responsive.css file. 7) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Hide The Site Name Completely: 1) Using a text editor open the common.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/common.css) 2) Find: h1 { (line 19) 3) Change display from block to none. 4) Upload the updated common.css file. 5) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Hide The Site Name On Small Screens: 1) Using a text editor open the responsive.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/responsive.css) 2) Find: .headerbar h1 { (line 238) 3) Change display from block to none. 4) Upload the updated responsive.css file. 5) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Hide The Site Description Completely: 1) Using a text editor open the common.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/common.css) 2) Find: .headerbar p { (line 194) 3) Change display from block to none. 4) Upload the updated common.css file. 5) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache) How To Hide Site Description On Small Screens: 1) Using a text editor open the responsive.css style sheet. (Clean-Boardz/theme/responsive.css) 2) Find: .site-description p { (line 214) 3) Change display from block to none. 4) Upload the updated responsive.css file. 5) Log in to your forum ACP and purge the cache. (ACP --> General --> Purge the cache)